Vaishnav Jha

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I'm Vaishnav

A Computer Science Student and a Programmer

This webpage is outdated. I have a new WEBSITE now, so see you there!!

Vaishnav's picture


I am Vaishnav Jha, an Upcoming Developer studying Computer Science at INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SONEPAT. I am interested in AI and Machine Learning.

My Skills.

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Python Programming

I have been studying Python Language for about 3 years year now and have reached an Advanced stage. I have displayed few of my projects on my GitHub page you may take a look.

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Web Development

I have only started Web Developement recently, this page is the product of my knowledge in the subject.

My Hobbies

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I have been programming since I was 12 yr old. Although not seriously but even then my interest in programming was high. Being a quick learner gave me an advantage over my peers that fueled my love for programming and encouraged me to become better.

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Playing Games

Like every kid I too was into playing video games.I have played a good colection of games. CSGO, DOTA 2, PUBG, COD Ghosts, COD Modern warfare,Legue of legends, paladins etc. The game I play the most nowadys is Valorant

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Reading Books

"You are what you read" May sound too eloquent coming from an unconventional reader however, I'm now looking forward to cross off most of my booklist. Self-help being one of my intrigues, I would love to give a shot to other genres too because a good read never hurts anyone. This recent hobby of mine further motivated me to improve myself everyday with small steps.

Get In Touch

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I am open to Collaborative Projects

I would love make a project along with someone just as passionate as me, so if you are looking for a project partner email me with your idea.

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